With funding from Twitter, the Digital Society Project is collecting candidate-level data on social media presence and candidate characteristics for recent and current elections for nine countries around the world: Australia (2022), Brazil (2022), Colombia (2022), France (2022), Germany (2021), India (2022), Japan (2021), Philippines (2022), and the United States (2022). Full data-sets will be released here as the data is finalized.
In conjunction with GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, German Longitudinal Election Study, the first candidate dataset is now available: Germany Candidate Dataset 2021. This dataset contains includes full names, gender, party, incumbency, and — when appropriate — district, list place, and state, and Twitter screen names for all candidates for the 2021 German federal elections from the seven major German political parties. Candidate information was collected beginning in early 2021 and validated against the official candidate data published by the Federal Returning Officer (Bundeswahlleiter).
The following zip file contains the data in CSV and Excel formats and the codebook:
Click here to download Zip File
Bäuerle, Joscha, Manuela Blumenberg, Marius Sältzer, Sebastian Stier, Valeriya Mechkova, Daniel Pemstein, Brigitte Seim, and Steven Wilson. 2021. Germany Candidate Dataset 2021. GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, German Longitudinal Election Study, and Digital Society Project.